Are we looking too much into subliminal Advertising?

Let me just say, although these brands/agencies may of lacked some sort of moral compass, the thought that went into these ads had to have only come from the most sagacious of creative minds in the industry. For some, I’d say we were too quick to cry witch at these companies.

For example, my opinion regarding  this? Uhh no. Really? “Yea, I’m gonna connect with my family and friends on Facebook”…”Why? Because SEX, that’s why”. Pretty sure I didn’t think about that when signing up at the ripe old age of 15. And to whoever made this, wouldn’t you think that if they had already navigated their way to this page that chances are they were going to create a profile anyway? *Slaps forehead* I feel like in this day in age, we spend too much time looking for things that aren’t there because if we’re not outraged by something, we’re apparently nothing? Never mind the infinite adjectives we could be, no, lets be outraged.


If you look closely, the bottom image depicts someone trying too hard.



Another example of what i think has been slightly misconstrued:


Looking at it now, it’s very hard to un-see. Was it intentional? I’ll let you know if i ever get to speak with team Disney. Regardless of what sex triggers in the brain, is it not already a considerable thought to take your child on a fun day out at the movies? Without added incentive? Come on people!

Subliminal advertising is now very much banned across many countries. However one of the cheekiest I’ve seen has to go to Marlboro. The tabacco  company used a Formula One race car so that when it reached high speeds, it would resemble that of a Marlboro cigarette packet.


A few more examples:

Disney advertising Disney films within Disney filmsmulan-poster-lilo-and-stitch.jpg


KFC wanting the public to associate dollar bills with their snack range


and one for the road…

Is it morally acceptable? Probably not. Is it harmful? I don’t think so. But the difference between staying in business and not staying in business is selling your products, and that is all we as Advertisers are trying to do.

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